By Category
By Subject
By Date
Date Ref. No. Title
28 May 2013 CoP-1/2013 Code of Practice for the Provision of Backup Power Supply for Local Fixed Telephony Service
1 Apr 2012 CoP-2/2012 Code of Practice for the Installation and Maintenance of In-Building Telecommunications Systems and In-building Access by Telecommunications Network Operators
1 Apr 2012 CoP-1/2012 Code of Practice for the Provision of Access Facilities in Buildings for the Supply of Telecommunications and Broadcasting Services
11 Oct 2011 CoP-02/2011 Code of Practice in Relation to Billing Information and Payment Collection for Telecommunications Services*

* Pursuant to the Communications Authority Ordinance (Cap 616), with effect from 1 April 2012, all duties and powers of the Telecommunications Authority (TA) are conferred on the Communications Authority (CA), and all duties and powers of the Office of the Telecommunications Authority (OFTA) are conferred on the Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA), the executive arm of the CA. Unless the context otherwise requires, all references to TA and OFTA in this document shall be construed as CA and OFCA respectively.