
The CA is an independent statutory body established under the Communications Authority Ordinance (CAO) (Cap. 616) on 1 April 2012. Its role is to regulate the broadcasting and telecommunications industries in Hong Kong in accordance with the Broadcasting Ordinance (BO) (Cap. 562), the Telecommunications Ordinance (TO) (Cap. 106), the CAO (Cap. 616), and the Broadcasting (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (B(MP)O) (Cap. 391). It shares concurrent jurisdiction respectively with the Customs and Excise Department in enforcing the fair trading sections of the Trade Description Ordinance (TDO) (Cap. 362), and with the Competition Commission in enforcing the Competition Ordinance (CO) (Cap. 619) in the telecommunications and broadcasting sectors. It also enforces the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Ordinance (UEMO) (Cap. 593).


The above Ordinances empower the CA to perform the following functions –